Welcome to our travel advices
Below you will find our travel guide to ensure you get the most out of your traveling.
1. Decide to go
Most people are just talking about traveling but never do. I have heard all kinds of excuses but if you really want to go its always possible. What you need is determination and someone who can help you plan your trip.
2. Dont plan your entire trip in details
When you have decided to go dont plan your entire journey into details allow some flexibility to make spontaneous moves which is likely to happen when you meet other travelers or locals who you want to hang out with or travel with. It works best if you plan a few points on the map and the rest should be however you feel like once you are there. Remember no plan can ever be followed anyway. And remember the real adventure only starts when things do not go as planned.
3. Listen to peoples experiences but not too much
4. Get up early in the morning
Getting up early in the morning can ensure you are the first one anywhere. You avoid other tourists on your photos, long queues, sold out and that the best seats are taken. Also when waking up early you can have the feeling of being alone with the locals which is a pretty good feeling.
5. Eat local
Most places you travel to offer great local food. And local food is one of the best reasons to travel in the first place. Not only is it cheaper than non local food but there is also a chance it is made better than in your own country. For example Thaifood, Mexican food and Chinese food is very different and a lot better than in your home country. Also street kitchens have a great tradition in many countries for making some of the most tasty food and drinks than expensive restaurants. So try it and dont be afraid. I only got sick once from eating from a bad kitchen in 19 years.
6. Be curious and say yes
When you travel you have to make many decisions everyday. Most of them will impact your trip, doors will open and doors will close.
7. Dont be afraid of strangers
8. Patience is everything
When traveling for a longer time around the world you need a great deal of patience otherwise it will be a very long and exhausting journey. First of all waiting for buses trains and transportation in general can be a challenge in many countries. Secondly due to culture differences a hotel check-in in some countries is not a swift and easy activity, but can be a lot of waiting and explaining before you get a room. In general service can be very bad in many countries. In order to have a great journey it is key to remind yourself that things work differently on the other side of the world and that in retrospective you will smile when thinking about all the bad service experiences you have had.
9. Mingle with the locals
10. Observe local life
11. Take lots of photos
12. Stay healthy
13. Pack reasonable
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