
Many people have been to Thailand and the country is easy to love. Especially if you go there for two weeks and stay in a hotel close to the beach during the winter in Europe. Everything works out great: Nice weather, great food, friendly people and perfect service. Below I provide a real guide for Thailand and why after travelling in the country for more then 17 years I still love the country despite I have seen the back side of everything.

Thailand 2013

1 copy


Thailand 2011



Thailand 2007 and 2008

CIMG4249 CIMG4257 CIMG4306 sai 212 CIMG3635 jonas 029 CIMG3594 kho chang 2008 109 kho chang 2008 111 sai 387 sai 388 sai 480 sai 499 sai 548 sai 552 IMG_0143 kho samed 145 kho samed 146 CIMG4031 CIMG4059 CIMG4107 CIMG4126 CIMG4166 CIMG4171 CIMG4174 CIMG4180 jonas 063 jonas 082 jonas 137 jonas 151 jonas 165 jonas 169 jonas 182 jonas 197 jonas 206 jonas 224 P1000662


Thailand 2006

033 IMG_0007 IMG_0026 IMG_0034


Thailand 2005

009 028 0098 IMG_0006 IMG_0008

Thailand 2003


006 007 028 055 IMG_0015


Thailand 2002 

039 IMG_0002 IMG_0012


Thailand 2000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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